Welcome to Lit Smile Academy
Continuing Education for Dental Professionals

Meet Our Founder
Dr. Carla Cohn, DMD
I began my journey in the dental profession either by accident, or by fate. I’m still not sure which. I was young and impressionable and with no direction of my own when a friend told me of his plans to become a dentist. I thought to myself, that sounded like a fine idea and decided right then and there that would be my path to my future. I really had no concept of what was involved, what to expect, what the profession was about. Choosing dentistry was one of the best decisions of my life. My career and my profession have been beyond fulfilling and defining. Dentistry has lit a fire within me.
I certainly had no idea where it would take me along the way or where I would be more than 30 years later after that conversation. I have throughout my career studied, interned, practiced, associated, owned, operated, taught, volunteered, organized, authored, posted, and podcasted. Now with all of those experiences, I am introducing and launching my own continuing education curriculum. Lit Smile Academy was born of my dream to share what I have learned and am still learning throughout my career. Lit Smile Academy is more than just studying and teaching the tried and true techniques and procedures of dentistry. My vision is to create a culture of sharing and empowerment. We learn the most when we are surrounded by others, like minded, focused and passionate about common goals. In order to grow we must become empowered, with knowledge, but also with confidence and courage. Now it is my time to both pay it back and pay it forward.
My mission for Lit Smile Academy is to change your paradigm from “I cannot to I can” from “I do not to I do” and from “I will not to I will”. My wish is to empower you to pursue your dreams. It is true that life puts people in your path for a reason, a season or a lifetime. May we all achieve our needs and reach what we desire most in our lives.